Becoming a new parent is a major life transition. All life transitions have challenges. If you are struggling, you are not alone.

Support for New Parents

When you become a new parent, everything changes in an instant. Bringing new life into the world can be an amazing experience, and it is also a huge change that can affect the way you relate to yourself and others close to you, the way you see your body and the way you understand the world.

I have the lived experience of a challenging birth and recovery and adjusting to parenthood in the midst of the pandemic. The skills that I learnt during my counselling training and from other wise supportive women around me have been invaluable in trusting myself again, understanding who I am as a mother and making sense of my new normal as a parent.

I utilise the practice of Self Compassion as a tool to learn to be more supportive and understanding towards ourselves in challenging times.

I offer both private counselling and a group workshop called ‘Recharge Mama’ teaching these skills so you can learn how to navigate the challenges of parenthood for yourself and feel supported as your learn your new normal.